We are proud to announce that Taylor gave birth to 11 (7 girls & 4 boys) F1b Goldendoodle puppies on December 26th. They range in color from dark red to cream. We will update pictures again at 3, 5 & 7 weeks of age. At 5 weeks the puppies will get individual webpages and pictures. Between 6 & 7 weeks of age we will conduct temperament tests and post the results to the website. Once the results are posted selections will take place in the order of which deposits have been received. At 8 weeks (February 20th) puppies can go to their forever homes. Puppies from this litter are priced at $1900. If you are interested in a puppy from this litter the first step in our process is to submit an adoption application. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.


1. Jackson Family - Boy

2. Lange Family - Boy

3. Farley Family - Boy

4. Johnson Family - Boy

5. Ankrom Family - Girl

6. Open - Girl

7. Open - Girl

8. Open - Girl

9. Open - Girl

10. Open - Girl

11. Open - Girl

Puppy Deposit


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